EOG group aims to provide defect free goods and services to its clients on time and within budget. The Organization operates a Quality Management System that has gained ISO 9001:2000 certification

The management is committed to: Develop and improve the Quality Management System
Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System

The enhancement of client satisfaction The management has a continuing commitment to:
Ensure that client needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving client satisfaction Communicate throughout the Organization the importance of meeting client needs and legal requirements Establish the Quality Policy and its objectives

Ensure that the management review meeting sets and reviews the quality objectives, and reports on the Internal audit results as a means of monitoring.

and measuring the processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
Ensure the availability of resources

The System. of the Quality Management System is defined in this Quality Manual. All personnel understand the requirements of this Quality Policy and abide with the contents of the Quality Manual.

The Organization complies with all English and EU legislation and regulations specifically related to its business activities.
The Organization constantly monitors
its quality performance and implements improvements when appropriate.
This Quality Policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure its continuing suitability.

Copies of the Quality Policy and the Management Review minutes are given to all members of staff as a means of communicating the effectiveness of the Quality Management System

Focused on delivering customer satisfaction, EOG Group is committed to the principles of sustainability through the implementation of good corporate governance and safety, health and environmental best practice on all projects.

Safety is non-negotiable, and EOG group has implemented systems to manage and measure operational risks throughout

the organization. Our training is focused on the safe execution of all activities, whether office based or on a site, and the commitment to this is driven from the top of the company. The health and well being of

all employees is considered important, and education forms a vital component ensuring that all have access to information. Safety, health, environment and quality management is all controlled at an executive level.

Risk management remains a core driver within EOG Group and company’s systems are focused on identifying risks within the organization and individual projects and mitigating against these. The company is committed to the best risk management methodologies and this strategy filters through all processes and procedures.

Systems benchmarked against international best practice are used and highly skilled and experienced people are tasked with building detailed project plans prior to project commencement. EOG Group has a strong ethos of partnering with customers and other stakeholders during this process to ensure the timeous resourcing of projects with people, material and equipment.

Our people form the cornerstone of EOG Group successes and
the ongoing development of the potential of individuals within the company remains fundamental

to the company’s continued sustainability.

The company has made it a policy to recruit, develop and motivate only the best and brightest individuals; individuals who demonstrate professional competence, innovation, courage and integrity.